STATEMENT I believe in art, creating awareness and collecting knowledge. I believe in it not only as an aesthetic practice but also as a lifestyle. I believe that every human being carries within him a nomad, an inheritance from Cain and Abel, with the need to move,...
rastro trazado Nine collages: silk-screen printing with cement and brick dust on paper. 34 x 34 cm (13″ ²⁵/₆₄ x 13″ ²⁵/₆₄) Each With the special collaboration of: Poetry by Francisco Moulia Calligraphy by Marisa Espínola Auctioned at Bogotá Auctions. Sale...
Todo ser es un mundo Performatic public action Bogotá – Colombia The work consists of highlighting otherness and the recognition of the human body as a territory (world) to follow the impulse of wandering life. “every being in a world” is a trope,...
Another 11 Collage on canvas 100 x 100 cm (39″ ³/₈ x 39″ ³/₈) This work presented and donated in Turkey, entitled Another 11, is a layered curtain: first the frottage of the memorial, the next two, the lists of deaths by firearms, the next from above cuts...