Intersticio con taraxacum
Intersticio con taraxacum Triptych. Mixed technique on cotton paper. 150 x 150 cm (59″ ¹/₁₆ x 59″ ¹/₁₆) each Of the element Earth. Dandelion (taraxacum) which can be found all over the world, it only takes a small portion of space, some earth and it comes...
Bromeliaecae Mixed media on cotton paper. 59 x 42 cm (23″ ¹⁵/₆₄ x 16″ ¹⁷/₃₂) Bromeliaceae are a family of plants native to the American continent. They have very special, motivating and exemplary characteristics, they are very important for the ecosystem....
Mientras estudio
Mientras estudio Graphite on cotton paper.105 x 76 cm (41″ x 30″) Helen Barreto private’s collection. Bogotá,...