IMPULSOS Oil on canvas. 100 x 150 cm (39″³/₈ x 59″ ) Belongs to the private collection of Nuria Aisenberg and Sebastián Rey. Buenos Aires,...
Aemiliae-Humifusus Polyptych. Graphite, acrylic, watercolor and coffee on paper. 50 x 30 cm (19″ ¹¹/₁₆ x 11″¹³/₁₆) each Aemiliae-Humifusus- of abundant propagation through the earth It belongs to the private collection of Gustavo Hernandez. Bogotá,...
rastro trazado
rastro trazado Nine collages: silk-screen printing with cement and brick dust on paper. 34 x 34 cm (13″ ²⁵/₆₄ x 13″ ²⁵/₆₄) Each With the special collaboration of: Poetry by Francisco Moulia Calligraphy by Marisa Espínola Auctioned at Bogotá Auctions. Sale...